Hello, again.

Whoa—It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

Quick update: I finished writing and revising what I hope will be my next book, a memoir. It’s been out on submission for a few months: three outright rejections; one publisher I never heard from ; two rejections with invitations to resubmit if I made significant revisions (but one was the best rejection critique I ever received), and, as I write this, the manuscript is still in the hands of one publisher who read my first thirty pages, requested my full manuscript (which I sent immediately) and who then emailed me “You’ll hear from me soon.” I figure “soon” is somewhere between the 10 minutes after I hit “send” and the six months (or longer) it takes overworked publishers to read your manuscript. All par for the course in publishing these days if you’re not Stephen King or Colleen Hoover. Right now, we’re at two months and holding and crossing fingers and toes.

Meanwhile, I’ve had two more pieces published: One, a prose poem in fauxmoir lit magazine, is short. The other, in Vine Leaves Press 50 Give or Take, is VERY short. Not Ernest Hemingway six-words-short: “For Sale. Baby Shoes. Never Worn,” but pretty short (50 words) nonetheless. You can find the links to the publications on the Books and Media section of the website, and can read both pieces when you click on their respective links above.